Our Services

Helping clients to improve the control of workplave hazards

LEV testing

ESP provides tailored services relating to CoSHH control measures including Local Exhaust Ventilating (LEV) Plant

CoSHH Regulation 9 Statutory Examinations and Tests

Initial and Routine Thorough Examinations and Test Procedures

Assessment of LEV Control Measures

Setting of Specifications / Performance Criteria

Competency Training for In-house Personnel

Advisory Service for all Control Systems

Specialist Services for Asbestos, Explosive / Highly Toxic Substances

Advice on Control of Respiratory Sensitisers / Asthmagens

Statutory Examinations and Tests carried out by very experienced Engineering Surveyor Teams. All staff fully competent to conduct range of services provided.

Client Base extends to engineering, general manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, universities, printing, advance manufacturing, research, motorsport, R&D, food production etc.

Workplace Air Monitoring

Air monitoring to ensure compliance

In order to tell if your LEV system is effectively control exposure to hazardous substances it is often useful to carry out workplace air sampling.  We undertake air monitoring to make sure clients are complying with their legal reequipments of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH). 

Enviro Safety Partnership provides specialist technical monitoring and support services for workplace monitoring projects including…

  • Occupational Hygiene Monitoring – dusts, fumes, vapours etc
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH) management
  • C0SHH assessments
  • Noise monitoring
  • Local Exhaust Ventilating (LEV) Plant – statutory examinations and tests
  • Respiratory sensitisers

Our specialist service extends from advising on CoSHH assessments to full monitoring and control programmes.

Typical monitoring includes surveys for noise, dusts, vapours, fumes, gases and fibers.


The UK Noise At Work Regulations 1989 requires employers to carry out assessments of the risk to employees health by noise exposure in the workplace. This includes the assessment of the provision of control measures in order to reduce noise levels to acceptable levels established by the Regulations. Failure to address this issue may result in prosecution and/or civil claims against the company.

What is required?

As a very general rule, if you are standing in your workplace having a conversation with a colleague two metres away and you have to raise your voice, you may have a noise problem. The only way of telling if you have a problem, and more importantly how to reduce the risk to employees, a noise survey needs to be carried out.

How we help our Clients

Enviro Safety Partnership technical services group offers noise mapping using measurements at static locations backed up with personal dosimetry readings, allowing the organisation to target resources to areas where employees are exposed to the highest noise levels.

The regulations provide a general duty on the employer to reduce noise levels as far as is reasonably practicable, by means other than the use of hearing defenders. Common noise control solutions may include provision of sound enclosures, acoustic barriers, dampening or process change or – as a last resort, hearing defenders.